From overweight, depressed and always tired to full of energy, smiles and momentum! He said "this has been the easiest thing to stick to and understand".
Rachel is a driven corporate professional that came to us with menopausal symptoms that were really getting in the way of her quality of life. Inside the program we install simply daily habits and nutrition strategies to get her feeling and looking her best.
Cole is a busy, driven man in every area of his life. A lot on his plate and a lot of people relying on him for everything. He was doing his best to keep on top of things, but when he reach out to finally get some support, he immediately saw how much we could optimize what he was doing to bring it all to a new level. The results just 10 weeks in? Over 13kg lost, increase in energy, increase in muscle mass, increase in productivity.
Moana came to this program with really low energy and just felt in a rut. She looked like a complete different women by the end of the program!
Joe came into the program with an implementation mindset and got stuck in from day 1. She found that she was working against her body rather than supporting it with the right nutrition and exercise to fit her busy life.
Scott saw the logical simple progression of the program as a simple tool to follow and as he did he realised that after YEARS of training every day, he was missing some simple tweaks to put his energy through the roof!
Pat came into the program with an open mind and got implementing right away. The change in his skin, blood work and shape was incredible. The Meta Project + this attitude was an unstoppable force. He has easily lost 15kg of fat while adding muscle, but we were more focused on health and waist measurements to get him to his peak which he achieved in 3 months!
Margaret got so much out of the program from day 1. She made some big changes in her nutrition but found it was easy to install and saw some immediate benefits that continued to improve as she got deeper into the program.
Patrick was an absolute joy to coach through this journey. In such a busy lifestyle and so much on his plate, one of the biggest things we coached him through was how to do LESS but focus on the right things to help move him forward. This allowed him to continually drop bodyfat, increase his energy drastically and get rid of that constant bloated feeling.
Client testimonal ONE YEAR after the program (we want long term results!!).
Nicole will always be one of the hardest workers in the room. But after working with multiple coaches and finding herself backed into a corner eating under 1300 cals not losing weight, she knew the "eat less, train more" approach was not working. Within WEEKS of working with me we doubled her energy, sleep quality and kick-started her fat loss again.
She shares so much on how holistic her results were, so make sure to watch this to the end!!
Grant is an action taker. If got stuck in right away, made the changes, asked the questions, and got the results. It's that simple. He has made some awesome changes and we have done it in a slow in steady way so that he can maintain this long term.
Jo has been one of our longest standing members, working with us for nearly 5 years now. What we have accomplish has ranged from droping 10kilos and getting stage ready (after already being through a weigh loss journey and feeling stuck) to simply easing back and learning to progress with training without constant dieitng or max effort every day. Our motto with Jo: "Your ability to progress is in direct proportion with your ability to rest".
Graeme didn't simply come into the program for one thing, we were simply looking for a full body and energy upgrade and WE GOT IT. Big changes to his digestion, energy, motivation to train and so much more!
Sophie had been through all the diets before but had never found a way to be fully in control and her energy was suffering. She said she has gone from a 0 to a 9 out of 10 most days in energy!
Kay was already training regularly and getting ready for an endurance event, but she'd had enough of the constant low energy and bloating holding her back from looking and feeling her best.
Anna had a full life upgrade in the program (her words). Irregular sleeping patterns, on medication for anxiety and very little exercise. We dove deep into all areas, mindset, energy, nutrition and so much more.
Brett came in after seeing plenty of programs and posts about programs online. But he could tell we were difference from the start. I took the time to walk him through some steps on our initial call and from day 1 we walked him through the holistic nature of his symptoms. His progress after 3 months while stuck in lockdown was great to see, which drastic reductions in gut issues, body fat AND depression medications while also massively increasing his energy and general well-being.
Jo is a high performer with lots on her plate which was starting to take a toll her on her health and body. She became more aware of her energy, stress and how she fuels her body so that she could overcome the anxiety, headaches and general sluggishness she was struggling with.
I was quite emotional after seeing how much Jerome got out of this program. Not only did he lose over 10kg and 15+cm off his waist, he easily added nearly a decade to his life expectancy. His liver markers were off the charts and within a few short months we were able to get them back in to a normal range along with balance out his hormones. If that wasn't enough, with the help of our mindset coach, turned his whole marrage around and brought a whole new quality of life.
"Life changing is probably the best way to describe this program". Really enjoyed it, loved the mindset and accountability.
Getting his energy back up, remove lower back pain and acid reflux were all top foucs points. He quickly saw changes within WEEKS.
Needed to make a change, gut issues had been an issue for a long time, and body was slowing down. We made some big shifts and even got her to into weight training when she never thought she'd enjoy it!
Not all of us want to drop weight, sometimes we want to ADD muscle. Jacob was a great example of what is possible when you approach training and nutrition more effectively to add muscle!
Sleeping through the night again, enjoying food again, completely shifted my enitre view of how I approach fitness, nutrition mindset and more.
Wade came in with plenty of injuries and years of minimal progress made. We focused on correcting these imbalances and building a strong foundation to get him moving forward while also losing 15kg+ when nothing before was shifting the weight before.
Lynelle has struggled with Crohns disease for her whole life. She initially came to us for the gut health, but quickly discovered how much more we helped with - mindset, structure, life!
Work, kids, life - just no energy to do it all. We broke it down for Jim to create a success plan get his body back on his side!
Joannes body was not working like it used to be. We dove deep into her biology to help rebuild her hormones, drop the bodyfat and feel her best.
Got rid of reflux meds, over-drinking, and chronic inflammation all gone!
NO!! The Menopause Middle is catching up. For some of us like Jean, we never had to worry about weight and then suddenly, WHAT!! We helped Jean drop the extra around the waist and feel control of her body again.
"I've been through everything to fix my gut, and when I came across you guys I knew you really took a different approach but had a solid scientific backing in what you did. And it's been everything I hoped it would be and more!"
So much better than anything I've ever done before. Integrated the nutrition, breathing, accountability, mindset, routines and so much more was exactly what I needed in the right amounts at the right time.
Sick of what he was doing, overweight, drinking every day and just felt crap. After improving his structure, gut health and stress resilience the weight just dropped off him, energy was consistenly high and drive was breakfast!
Amie had tried all the common diets to fix her gut but she was getting nowhere. Through our R4 Method we were able to uncover the root cause of her gut issues by looking at the full picture and rebuilding her thyroid.
We help individuals like you every day drastically improve the quality and LENGTH of their lives by getting their body back on their side.
Science backed strategies broken down into real life applicable steps so that you're never stuck in this rut again.
You have access to our specialist coaches for 1:1 calls in nutrition, training and mindset to construct your personal blueprint.
Dive deeper into why your body is not functioning at it's best. Health ALWAYS comes before performance.
Real whole food approach, no masses of useless supplements and funky diets. Long term sustainability is what we are all about.
Available from anywhere. Get access to our MP app to track progress and get feedback from coaches all the way through the program.
No more confusing cookie cutters. Real time, relevant action steps for where you are right now.
I hope you found these testimonials insightful. We know our program is world class, but sometimes it's good to hear from other people too 🙂
If you're interested in working with us or finding out more, schedule a call below. On this free call we can help identify what is really holding you back and apply our process to you to help you move forward.
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