Programming & Coaching Feel free to contact me directly to help you with your fitness goals. The purpose is to create a more intelligent approach, but if this has no application then its useless. I am happy to clear up thoughts for you and point you in the right direction. Done for you plans will allow you to make the most of your training with the best training structures and body specialization protocols in the world. Programming We want to have everything for your fitness needs in one spot, so we have also set up an online store for you to purchase high quality resistance bands to help with your training the smarter way. These are very handy for a range of goals including mobility, rehab, strength flexibility and altering specific strength curves.
Seminars and business ventures Contact me directly to discuss setting up seminars or training camps. Educate your team with the most most value packed seminars and practicals to bring a new level of understand of hypertrophy programming or exercise execution to the table. What sets fitness professionals and individuals apart from the rest is the ability to continue learning and working with the most effective methods and protocols available. Book in a team or group seminar so I help your business set yourself apart.
Articles I will be adding content to my Articles to update you on training theories, different trainer prospective, and much more. Training is so much more than the next three tips to big arms and I aim to provide that missing gap. Provide you the tools and knowledge that really create a physique that you are after and can keep!
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